l5kit.cle.metric_set module

class l5kit.cle.metric_set.BaseMetricSet

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class interface for the metric sets.

abstract evaluate(sim_outputs: List[l5kit.simulation.unroll.SimulationOutputCLE]) None

Run the CLE (Closed-loop Evaluator) on simulated scenes.


sim_outputs – outputs from the simulator.

evaluator: l5kit.cle.closed_loop_evaluator.ClosedLoopEvaluator
abstract get_results() Dict[str, Any]

Perform all required aggregations and returns a dictionary composed by all results.

metric_prefix: str

The prefix that will identify this metric

class l5kit.cle.metric_set.L5MetricSet(metric_prefix: str = 'L5')

Bases: l5kit.cle.metric_set.BaseMetricSet

This class is responsible for computing a set of metric parametrization for the L5Kit.


metric_prefix – this is a prefix that will identify the metric set being used.

aggregate_failed_frames() Dict[str, Any]

This method will aggregate the failed scenes and will return a dictionary indexed by the validator name associated with a list with FailedFrame items containing the scene_id and the frame index that triggered the validator.

build_composite_metrics() List[l5kit.cle.composite_metrics.SupportsCompositeMetricCompute]

Return a list of composite metrics that should be computed. Composite metrics are metrics that depend upon metrics and validator results.

abstract build_metrics() List[l5kit.cle.metrics.SupportsMetricCompute]

Returns a list of metrics that will be computed.

build_validators() List[l5kit.cle.validators.SupportsMetricValidate]

Returns a list of validators that will operate on the computed metrics.

evaluate(sim_outputs: List[l5kit.simulation.unroll.SimulationOutputCLE]) None

Run the CLE (Closed-loop Evaluator) on simulated scenes.


sim_outputs – outputs from the simulator.

evaluator: l5kit.cle.closed_loop_evaluator.ClosedLoopEvaluator
get_results() Dict[str, Any]

Perform all required aggregations and returns a dictionary composed by all results.

get_validator_interventions() List[str]

Returns a list of validators that are considered an intervention.

metric_prefix: str

The prefix that will identify this metric

reset() None

Reset the current state of the CLE (Closed-loop Evaluator).